Unlocking Speech through Occupational Therapy for Kids

Unlocking Speech through Pediatric Occupational Therapy for Kids

Empowering Voices: Unlocking Speech through Pediatric Occupational Therapy for Kids Occupational therapy (OT) is a vital service that goes beyond typical healthcare, especially in the pediatric setting. It’s about changing lives, not just providing care. Consider it as a child’s path toward independence if they struggle with different physical, sensory, or cognitive issues that interfere …

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Amazon purchases for your child's speech development

Amazon purchases for your child’s speech development

Amazon purchases for your child’s speech development. 1. Chewy Tubes Price: Rs. 500- Rs. 750Chewy Tubes are tools that improve biting and chewing skills. Some kids with feeding difficulty present with oro-motor weakness. For this purpose, a chewy tube is used to improve the strength and range of motion of the jaw muscles (Masseter muscles). …

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The Effects Of Screen-Time On Children

The Effects Of Screen-Time On Children

The Effects Of Screen-Time On Speech And Language Development Children have several speech and language milestones as they grow. Ages 2-5 are crucial for building vocabulary, learning social behaviours, promoting early literacy skills, and developing healthy communication patterns. Nowadays, due to the busy schedule of parents, children use gadgets often, up to three to four …

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Fun Movement Activities for Speech Development

Fun Movement Activities for Speech Development

Fun Movement Activities for Speech Development Speech development activities, Motor movements including moving, crawling, sitting, standing are crucial parts of a child’s development. These skills help a child to explore his environment. This variety of movements in a child’s environment will help to grow.   The American Academy of Pediatrics, 2007, explains, play is the “work …

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Teaching Turn Taking and Imitation for Communication

Teaching Turn Taking and Imitation for Communication

Teaching Turn Taking and Imitation for Communication Did you know, children can learn to have conversations even before they talk! One of the key features of communication is taking turns. Just as we hit a ball back and forth when playing tennis, we use the same kinds of ‘turns’ when we communicate. You can work …

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Speech Development Activities for Siblings

Speech Development Activities for Siblings

Speech Development Activities for Siblings Language is an additive process which is built on a period from scratch by trial-and-error method and gradually from the role of environment. It involves facilitating and shaping the behavior from time to time till it reaches to an adult pattern language . Learning language is a cerebral function. It …

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