Speech and language Screening Tests

Speech and language Screening Tests are crucial in early identification of  any risk factors that may interfere with expected growth, learning, and development. These tests will help you understand if you or your family member needs further diagnosis, assessment, and treatment. A screening assement involves a 2 minute evaluation of your difficulty. These screeners have Yes/No questions which will rule out an underlying difficulty and need for further evaluation. We have an array of screening assements for a spectrum of difficulties in communication.

The screener for speech delay includes simple questions on children's language development. Other screening tests include Yes/No quick tests for ruling out the need for occupational therapy, Special education, Voice therapy, stuttering therapy and therapy for adult aphasia. These tests allow you to acquire a quick assessment of your abilities and provide recommendations for a comprehensive evaluation, if necessary, as well as the frequency and duration of therapy sessions.

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Screening assement help identify the need for further detailed assessment. Assessment and evaluation of any difficulty using standard clinical tools is the cornerstone step of treatment. These tests have simple yes/no questions. You should answer the questions as honestly as possible to ensure correct results. The earlier we identify the difficulty, the quicker we are able to offer a solution.
These are quick tests with instant results. These tests have been developed by our experts and have been validated over years of experience of working with people with communication disorders. These tools are safe and the results that you obtain here are not shared with anyone.
Screening Tests and Detailed clinical assessments are different. A screening test is usually  has two steps. The aim of the first step is to look for signs of the disorder. The results of a screening test are considered to be “positive” if signs of the disorder are found, and ”negative” if no signs of the disease are found. After a screening test, you can be referred for a detailed assessment if signs are positive. In a detailed assessment, the expert uses a clinical interview method using standardised tests and questionnaires in order to know the presenting clinical condition. These standardised tools are disorder specific and many a times are language specific. In the course of clinical assessment, you can have many queries and hence it is important to note that the answer to all your questions would be given by the expert at the end of the session.
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Online Assessment from Home

Assessment is the first step in treatment


  • Assessment is an ongoing process.
  • Have faith in your expert's vision of your treatment.
  • Choose a qualified expert!
Screening tests have their own value and should be considered before detailed assessments.
