sensory integration

Understanding Sensory Integration

Understanding Sensory Integration This blog is on understanding sensory integration. Sensory Integration : (Anita Bundy et al) Jean Ayres, an Occupational Therapist was the first researcher. Further, she said sensory integration (SI) as the neurological process that organizes sensations from one’s own body and from the environment. It makes it possible to use the body …

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Sensory Bin Activities for Autism

Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning. – Fred Rogers Firstly, sensory input is a very crucial part of every child’s development. In other words, sensory play and the ability to feel the input from the five senses help in brain development. Furthermore, the five senses, including touch, smell, sight, hearing, …

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5 Signs That Your Child Needs Occupational Therapy

5 Signs That Your Child Needs Occupational Therapy Occupational therapy in India:  A child’s main occupation is playing and learning. It helps them explore the world around them, learn to interact with it and develop essential life skills that will allow them to connect with others and do things independently . However, some children may …

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