Recognizing Namrata Pai’s Contribution

Recognizing Namrata Pai’s Contribution

Recognizing Namrata Pai’s Contribution Namrata Pai’s Contribution- Successful, Compassionate, Kind, Determined, Dynamic, Creative, Smart, Innovative these and many more qualities wrapped in a single pack! Meet Namrata Pai, Founder & Director of Magpie Speech Language Intervention Services, Bangaluru, India. With her never to say die spirit, Namrata has carved a niche in the field of …

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Let’s Play - Encouraging Children to Learn

Let’s Play – Encouraging Children to Learn

Let’s Play – Encouraging Children to Learn Watching a child play is so beautiful! Although it seems so basic, play provides several hidden contributions for the child. The function of play would be quite different for a child when compared to an adult. For instance, I would use play when I want to relax or …

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Khwaish Gupta - An Inspiration

Khwaish Gupta – An Inspiration

Khwaish Gupta – An Inspiration “The Handicap of Deafness is not in the ear; it is in the mind“ Deafness certainly doesn’t make a person dumb or weak. We often hear about the challenges children and young people with disabilities face, yet some people find success beyond the barriers with their unstoppable perseverance and excel …

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Typical Articulation Development in Children

Typical Articulation Development in Children

Typical Articulation Development in Children Articulation of speech sounds is a symptom of a developmental articulation issue.Children learn the different sounds of their language gradually over the first 8 years of life. They learn to combine words according to the rules or patterns they hear from adults in their environment. You might be surprised to …

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Recognizing Janani Jeyaraman’s Stellar Contribution

Recognizing Janani Jeyaraman’s Stellar Contribution

Recognizing Janani Jeyaraman’s Stellar Contribution Janani Jeyaraman’s Stellar Contribution – I feel I have the best job in the world because I get to meet the finest people in my profession. I recently got talking with my classmate from college, Janani Jeyaraman and I couldn’t help but admire her success and inspirational achievements. I take …

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Proeves Interviews Pratiksha Gupta

Proeves Interviews Pratiksha Gupta

Proeves Interviews Pratiksha Gupta This interview was conducted by Proeves and posted on their website here with Pratiksha Gupta This Mom has created India’s first online speech therapy platform Pratiksha Gupta started her online venture 1specialplace, to help all those families who are based in areas where there is no speech therapy service available. How did you …

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Epilepsy – Myths and Facts

Epilepsy – Myths and Facts Symptoms of seizures might vary greatly. During a seizure, some persons with epilepsy just stare blankly for a few seconds, while others move their limbs or legs frequently. A single seizure does not necessarily indicate epilepsy. An epilepsy diagnosis usually requires at least two unprovoked seizures that occurred at least …

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