mental health kids

Fostering your child’s mental health

Fostering your child’s mental health Mental health in children Mental health is as important as physical health and we all have come to realize the importance of mental health during this tough time. As adults, we can cope up and take care of our mental health needs but our children may need our guidance in …

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sensory meltdown

What is sensory meltdown and how to cope with it?

What is sensory meltdown and how to cope with it Here’s an example to illustrate the difference between a person without SPD and a person with. If your hearing informs you that a scene on TV is too loud, then you can easily get up and turn the volume down. Or perhaps the sun is …

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Helping Children with Social Skills

Helping Children with Social Skills

Helping Children with Social Skills Helping Children with Social Skills, Social skills are important as they enable children to maintain positive interactions with the society. These skills are vital to make and sustain friendship. Social skills include responding appropriately to questions, making eye contact, smiling, wishing namastey/ hello, saying bye, being polite, helping others, solving …

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Stress-busting hobbies for mommies

Stress busting hobbies for mommies

Stress-busting hobbies for mommies   Stress busting hobbies for mommies – Being mom is hard. It is a battlefield for mothers everywhere. It doesn’t matter if you’re a working mother, a stay-at-home mother, or a combination of the two. But what happens when your child is special and has special needs that need special love …

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Epilepsy – Myths and Facts

Epilepsy – Myths and Facts Symptoms of seizures might vary greatly. During a seizure, some persons with epilepsy just stare blankly for a few seconds, while others move their limbs or legs frequently. A single seizure does not necessarily indicate epilepsy. An epilepsy diagnosis usually requires at least two unprovoked seizures that occurred at least …

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