Myths about Autism

Myths about Autism & Sensory Integration

Myths about Autism & Sensory Integration Before discussing on myths about autism & sensory integration, lets learn about what it is in brief – What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism spectrum disorder is a group of complex conditions related to brain development that mainly affects social, communication & behavioral skills. It may also affect overall …

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Tips to improve sensory motor issues in autism

Tips to improve sensory motor issues in autism

Tips to improve sensory motor issues in autism Improve sensory motor issues in autism, Autism’s sensory issues can involve both hyper-sensitivities (over- responsiveness) and hypo-sensitivities (under-responsiveness) to a wide range of stimuli. Sensory-motor difficulties may even underline classical symptoms of ASD such as cognition, socialisation, and communication.  Signs that your child needs Occupational Therapy Here …

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Best Speech therapy in Australia for NRIs

Best Speech therapy in Australia for NRIs

Best Speech therapy in Australia for NRIs Are you are looking for Speech therapy in Australia? It can be stressful for parents to see their children have trouble speaking, expressing themselves and communicating effectively.  Moreover, conditions like speech delays, autism, hearing loss are common in toddlers and cause worry for all parents and caregivers. Timely management …

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Speech therapist in hyderabad

Speech therapy in Hyderabad

Speech therapy in Hyderabad Speaking disorders are conditions that impair one’s ability to speak and communicate with others. In other words, it is characterised by difficulty in clearly pronouncing sounds, an interrupted flow of pronouncing words and sentences, an abnormal voice, the use of inappropriate words and grammatical structures while speaking, and difficulty understanding and …

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Toilet Training Tips from OT

Toilet Training Tips from OT

Toilet Training Tips from OT Toilet Training tips from OT address areas of Movement, posture, coordination, Balance, and Sensory processing of the child. The contribution of each of these areas helps a child in achieving Independence in the Toileting activity. Let us look at a few toilet training tips from OT: Toilet training begins when …

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5 signs your child needs OT in Gujrati

5 signs your child needs OT (Gujarati)

5 સંકેતો કે તમારા બાળકને વ્યવસાયિક ઉપચારની જરૂર છે ભારતમાં વ્યવસાયિક ઉપચાર (OT): બાળકનો મુખ્ય વ્યવસાય રમવું અને શીખવું છે. તે તેમને તેમની આસપાસની દુનિયાનું અન્વેષણ કરવામાં, તેની સાથે ક્રિયાપ્રતિક્રિયા કરવાનું શીખવામાં અને આવશ્યક જીવન કૌશલ્યો વિકસાવવામાં મદદ કરે છે જે તેમને અન્ય લોકો સાથે જોડાવા અને સ્વતંત્ર રીતે વસ્તુઓ કરવા દે છે. જો કે, …

Read more 5 signs your child needs OT (Gujarati)

Visual Perception skills & activities for children

Visual Perception skills & activities for children

Visual Perception skills & activities for children What is visual perception? Visual perception is the brain’s ability to understand & make sense of what the eyes see. The eyes send information to the brain and then it is correctly interpreted. Children interact with the world through their senses. The way they perceive things together with …

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Toys for Occupational Therapy

Top 10 Toys for Occupational Therapy

Top 10 Toys for Occupational Therapy About Occupational Therapy – We, as Occupational therapists, focus on improving child’s ability to perform activities of daily living. Also on improving ability that promotes movement of the body. We use various toys for children who need assistance to get through their daily living activities. Also helping them with …

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Messy Play

Messy Play

What is Play? Messy Play is commonly associated with children and juvenile level activities but play occurs at any life stage among higher-functional beings. The Messy play time that children take part in has numerous physiological and emotional benefits and it aids in the building of social skills and consistency, learning & school readiness, to …

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OT tips for ADHD child

OT tips for ADHD child

OT tips for ADHD child I’ll start by telling you about the disorder in brief, after that I’ll be sharing few OT tips for managing Hyperactivity in ADHD child  – What is ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder? ADHD is neurological disorder that affects functioning of the brain. People with ADHD face difficulty in paying …

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