non-nutritive oral habits

All about thumb sucking and non-nutritive oral habits

All about thumb sucking and non-nutritive oral habits Repetitive behaviors are part of growing up for babies. These are essential for survival as well as learning. Oral habits are the most common repetitive behavior. Oral habits can be nutritive and non-nutritive. These have an impact on speech development and other aspects. Some non-nutritive oral habits …

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need speech therapy

Tips to explain to adolescence ‘why’ they need speech therapy

Tips to explain to adolescence ‘why’ they need speech therapy Working with teenagers can be described as gravity. It is easier to work with it than against it. This age is seen as the most difficult one. All of us have the perception that teenagers are difficult to tackle. They are rebellious and argue about …

Read more Tips to explain to adolescence ‘why’ they need speech therapy

speech therapy mistakes

Avoid these top 10 speech therapy mistakes

Avoid these top 10 speech therapy mistakes In this blog, we will discuss the top 10 speech therapy mistakes made by parents.  When I say this, I don’t mean you are doing something wrong as there is no right or wrong way to communicate with kids. What suits you may not suit someone else. Some …

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Best conversational starters for children

Best conversational starters for children

Best conversational starters for children We have all struggled with starting a conversation. This has happened in various situations such as parties, meetings, reunions, etc. We may struggle to start a conversation with a colleague, new friend, our date, or kids. The most difficult of this population is kids. I have seen therapists, as well …

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How to get my child to stay on topic while speaking?

How to get my child to stay on topic while speaking?

Introduction In this blog, I am going to talk about how to get your child to stay on topic while speaking. Before I move on to the topic, a little introduction on what is staying on topic. Conversational skills have become of utmost importance in today’s day and age. As adults, we need to have …

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Hanen strategies for speech therapy

Hanen strategies for speech therapy

Introduction This blog is about what are Hanen strategies for speech therapy? It contains information for both parents and therapists. Communication is vital to all living beings. It can occur between a child and mother, two friends, or even animals. Communication uses both words and gestures. Social interaction forms the base of our society. Children …

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Top learning websites for speech delays

Top learning websites for speech delays

Introduction As parents, you know lots of ways to develop the speech and language skills of your kids. These include games, books, and hands-on activities. But when your kid has a delay, you need an extra nudge to help them. We often have to scratch our heads a lot. This is just for finding creative …

Read more Top learning websites for speech delays