Dr. Khushboo Parikh
4 min read
Visual Perception skills & activities for children
What is visual perception? Visual perception is the brain’s ability to understand & make sense of what the eyes see. The eyes send...

2 min read
Importance of Early Intervention for Speech Disorders
Importance of Early Intervention for Speech Disorders What is Early Intervention? Importance of Early Intervention for Speech Disorders,...

Laxme Janardhanan
4 min read
Supplement your child’s development with Vitamin Daddy
It is natural for everyone to deal with ‘inattention’ at some point in time. However, inattention becomes of concern, when it affects...

3 min read
Talking Tips for Babies and Young Children
Babies and toddlers are keen at learning all the time, even when they seem not to be doing much. Knowing how to interact and how it helps...