5 min read
Will Selective Mutism go away?
Will Selective Mutism go away? Selective Mutism is an inability to speak selectively in certain situations. This is a severe form of...

Varsha S
8 min read
Speech Delay in Toddlers
The age at which children first learn language and begin talking can vary, much like other abilities and achievements. Parents who have...

Ayesha Anjum
2 min read
Myths About Multilingual Language Exposure
Do you think exposing your child to many languages is wrong? Is it the cause of a speech delay? Lets’ find out! Today we talk about myths...

4 min read
Speech Delay Versus Learning Difficulty
This blog throws light into Speech delay Versus Learning Difficulty. So first let’s take a look into these separately. What is Speech...

Pratiksha Gupta
4 min read
Tips To Choose The Right School For A Child With Special Needs
So which is the Right School for a child? Parents are always on the lookout for the “perfect” school for their children. When it comes to...