Varsha S
3 min read
10 Creative Activities to Promote Preschool Language Development
Language development is an essential aspect of a child’s growth and development. In preschool, children are at an age where they are...

Ayesha Anjum
3 min read
Top Poems to Teach your Child
We all learned poems as we grew up! So, today let’s talk about top poems to teach your child. Poems have several benefits for everyone....

3 min read
Articulation Therapy: Teaching /L/ blends
What are the /l/ blends? Here is a list: The /l/ blends are made by combining a consonant with /l/. Children usually acquire the /l/...

3 min read
Talking Tips for Babies and Young Children
Babies and toddlers are keen at learning all the time, even when they seem not to be doing much. Knowing how to interact and how it helps...

Pratiksha Gupta
4 min read
5 Ways to Help Your Child’s Language Development
Don’t hesitate to use routines for valuable language learning experiences. During these everyday happenings, talk to your baby using...