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Simple Speech Therapy at Home for Toddlers

Simple Speech Therapy at Home for Toddlers

1) Embrace movement:

Simple Speech Therapy at Home, Children like to move. It is proved that once youngsters move their bodies actively, they learn a brand-new talent. They activate a lot of elements of their brain.

  1. Attempt yoga to enhance vocabulary skills:

P.C: The Yoga Alphabet: by Bari Koral

You can work on your child’s vocabulary skills with yoga therapy as well! Several yoga poses (especially ones designed for children) are named after real objects. You can show the kids the real objects. Then, once they name them, say “We’re progressing to be a Y letter” and show the kid the yoga form.

2) Go Outside:

Take your children outside.  Even simply lying or walking in the grass can make a lot of difference.  You can also practice different active skills like jumping, walking on a beam, or taking part in hopscotch with the kids.

3) Play Games:

You can use any simple game and work on your speech or language targets. For instance, if you play a game that needs players to take turns, the kid will follow his speech or language talent many times before every flip.  Or, if it’s a game that has multiple items (like connect puzzles, match shapes), you’ll have the kid follow his/her talent before you help them.

4) Themed Activities:

If your kid features a specific interest, use that to figure on speech and language skills. For instance, if the kid loves characters from a cartoon and you wish to make him learn pronouns “he” and “she”. Collect pictures of these characters doing various things and follow creating sentences like “he is running” and “she is sleeping”.

5) Create crafts:

Kids love creating crafts and crafts offer wonderful opportunities to grasp and use language.

6) Playdough fun:

Draw a letter out of playdough then help your kid to repeat constant form. This can facilitate building up communication skills.

7) At the playground:

Whatever your target sound is you’ll typically notice how to focus on it at the playground. For instance, on the slide, you may follow the /p/ sound by giving a stuffed animal a “push” down the slide. You may follow the /b/ sound by giving a “big” push or taking the “big” slide. Follow the /m/ sound by oral communication, “watch ME slide,” “watch mother slide,” or “mom’s flip.”

8) Within the sand:

Whether you’re in your yard or at the beach, children of all ages love the sand. After they notice the objects have them say the word as they place them in the sand. The goal is to seek out all of them therefore take care and bury them among a tiny low space to make it easy to find by their very little hands.

9) Make books your friend:

Read as many books as possible with lots of big and colorful pictures. This a very creative way of building their vocabulary. Kids love to look at a book curled up on their lap. This way reading gets associated with security and love. This activity can lead your child to a life-long love for books.

10) Keep talking to them:

Whenever you are bathing, feeding, or changing, keep talking about what you are doing. If you are going out, talk about where you are going with him/her in simple language. You will be amazed at the number of things that their brain can store and bring out at the most appropriate times.

11) Help them communicate:

When your children say something, encourage him/her by making proper eye contact. Try correcting him/her only by repeating what he/she is saying with the correct words. This way the child learns the correct way to say words.

Simple Speech Therapy at Home

12) Rhyme time:

Sing songs and nursery rhyme with your child. It is an important part of speech therapy activities. They encourage speech because of the presence of rhythm and rhyming words. It brings your child closer to you with lots of fun and learning too.

Happy learning!

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