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MB12 Injections

MB12 Injections

A treatment option for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Most people think Autism is a disorder. Autistic people are atypical. But they do not have a disease/ disorder. Autism is not a disability, but a different ability! So, next time don’t think of it as a disorder or a disease. In other words, Autistic people are a part of neuro-diversity in the human race.

The “many children with whom I spend half of my day” have compelled me to devote time to writing what little I know about MB 12 Injections.

MB12 Injections

Current upcoming biomedical research now explains Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) as a plausible ecological and gastrointestinal disorder in genetically vulnerable children.  MB12 Injections or Methyl- B12 or Methylcobalamin, is essentially a family of vital vitamins that detox our bodies from excess Sulphur. Childrens with ASD have a defect in an enzyme that is needed to complete this process of detoxification.

Hence supplements of this vitamin help in improving these chemical processes in the body and surprisingly (indirectly) result in –
  • improved speech

  • language expression

  • socialization ( improved eye contact)

  • emotional control

  • personal awareness

  • mental processing

  • overall health

These injections should be continued along with the regular interventions of Speech/Language Therapy, OT and Special Education.

The success stories are many! Even if there isn’t enough controlled evidence in India to demonstrate the ‘amount and quality’ of improvement, this appears to be a viable therapy option for children with ASD.

Hyperactivity and sleep difficulties are two common side effects, but they fade over time.


They are easy to administer at home. ( given subcutaneously) .

Many of my ASD kids are taking the MB 12 injections and are showing good progress in my sessions, in school and at home 🙂

Find more info here – Dr neubrander 

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