Social distancing to contain the spread of COVID-19 has been difficult for everyone. It is especially difficult for individuals with disabilities such as Persons with Aphasia (PWA). Many PWA have no option but to limit socialisation. And by limiting socialisation, we limit communication. It is advised for PWA to activities for aphasia and continue therapy remotely.
There are several activities for aphasia that can be done using social distancing measures for PWA. Following is a list of some activities for aphasia that can be done with family, close friends & neighbours while maintaining social distance:
Video calls
You can connect with friends & family using platforms such as Zoom, Skype. By scheduling your call time and date, the PWA can have conversations with their loved ones. This will help them to remain connected with one another at any time that you need. You will also need to make sure that your internet connection is adequate to avoid interruptions in communication.
Reading Time
Even though everyone is stuck at home, reading is an activity that is done on a daily basis. You can pick up anything for this; an e-newspaper, online books, simple stories, it doesn’t matter. Pick up anything that they feel like reading. Instead of reading, they can choose to opt for audiobooks. These will help them learn some new vocabulary. Always keep a dictionary handy in case they need to know the meanings of new words. If they find it too old fashioned, you can use Google search to find the meanings for them!!
For some additional ideas for reading in Aphasia: https://1specialplace.com/2021/01/29/functional-reading-ideas-in-aphasia/
Know your family
Ok, so this game sounds fun! Make a list of all your family members. Let every member of your household do the same. Once you have done this, you can use any one describing word that best describes the person. Once you have written this, you can read it out aloud. This activity not only helps language skills but also helps with the much-needed bonding time for the PWA & everyone else.
It’s Action Time!
This game is fun when done with family & friends. Make chits of different action verbs like eating, reading, singing etc. & pile them up in a basket. Let members of the family take turns to pick a chit & enact it out, just like charades! Try guessing the actions. Once you have guessed it, ask the PWA to use it to make a sentence. This activity can also be done using picture drawings a.k.a. Pictionary.
Categories, categories everywhere!
Give the PWA categories for the day such as “Fruits”, “Clothing” etc. Ask them to list out all those items under the category. If they need clues, you can always help them move about & find the objects around the house!!
Alphabet Fun
Have an alphabet for the day. Take for example letter ‘C’. Name objects around the house that start/end with the letter. Try different letters every day. Make such lists & then use them in sentences & to build conversations.
Don’t let him hang!! -Hangman
This is a common game that we have all played during our childhood! Pick a word & draw dashes for each letter of the word. Ask the PWA to guess the letters. Correct letters get placed in the blanks, incorrect ones are written beside a figure of the hangman by drawing a body part at a time, Try finishing the word before it’s too late!! (Don’t let him hang!!).
Bring out those Photo Albums
You can use previously taken photographs to work on language skills. Pick up any photograph & name the persons, objects, location etc. Assist the PWA in recalling & narrating the memory. You can use as many or as little pictures as possible.
Talk to thyself
Encourage the PWA to talk to themselves. This activity is one of the most important one’s as they are the only person who can understand themselves the best! You can use this opportunity to practise words, sentences etc. Spend at least 15 minutes doing this activity. Spend time describing something they are seeing or doing. Ask them to talk about how they are feeling, or recollect what they did the previous day.
Avail online therapy for Aphasia with us: https://1specialplace.com/services/online-therapy-services-for-adults/
Time for some Music!
Music is important that facilitates language. Choose favourite genres or singers and play music. Tap, hum or sing the lyrics along. You can assist the PWA to start off by tapping, then humming, then pick up a few lines from the song. Choose a small stanza, and repeat it twice. Take breaks & practise. Once they have mastered the art, try saying it instead of singing it!
Here’s a list of fun apps to continue aphasia therapy activities at home: https://1specialplace.com/2020/12/31/best-apps-for-people-with-aphasia/